2018 Jeep Compass Lemon Law Troubles: What You Need to Know

Do you own a 2018 Jeep Compass? Has it been a frequent letdown due to defects and malfunctions? If yes, then you should know about the Jeep Lemon Law protection. The 2018 Jeep Compass Lemon Law helps to protect customers from dangerous and unreliable products.

According to the Lemon Law, a vehicle is a “lemon” if it has one or more substantial defects that can’t be fixed after a reasonable number of attempts by the manufacturer. With that said, here are certain things you need to know about Lemon Law troubles with your 2018 Jeep Compass. 

Definition of a Jeep Lemon

Under the Jeep Lemon Law, a vehicle is a lemon if:

  1. The same issue occurs four or more times within the warranty period. This is usually 3 years to 5 years or 36,000 to 50,000 miles. 
  2. The issue is life-threatening and happens two or more times in the warranty period. 
  3. The vehicle is inoperable for 30 or more days in the warranty period.

Also, the issue present in the vehicle must not be a result of any misuse or neglect on your end. 

Grave Safety Defects within 18 Months/18,000 Miles 

  • Defining “Grave”: This term goes beyond “serious”. It signifies an imminent risk of serious injury or death. Examples could include malfunctioning airbags, sudden loss of braking power, or uncontrolled acceleration.
  • Timeframe Matters: The 18-month/18,000-mile time-frame tightens the burden of proof. Even two repairs for a grave safety defect within this period can trigger the qualification. This is because it indicates a high risk despite limited opportunities for repair.
  • Evidence is Key: Document near-misses and expert opinions on the severity of the defect. Witness testimonies can bolster your case and show the immediacy of the danger posed.

Continuous Non-Substantial Safety Defects 

“Non-Substantial” Doesn’t Mean Trivial: These defects may not pose an immediate life-threatening risk. However, they still compromise driving safety and peace of mind in a notable way. Examples include malfunctioning windshield wipers in heavy rain or erratic headlights. Persistent blind spot monitoring system failures may also qualify under this.

“Continuous” is Crucial: The defect must be recurring or persistent, not a one-off incident. Documenting multiple repair attempts within the warranty period for the same issue strengthens your claim of continuity.

Impact on Safety is Key: Prove that the continuous defect, although non-substantial, notably affects your safe driving. This could involve incidents of near-accidents or reduced visibility in critical situations. It could also be a case of anxiety and stress while operating the Jeep. 

Eligibility for The Lemon Law

To be eligible for the Jeep Lemon Law claim, the vehicle must have had an issue within the warranty period. A manufacturer’s warranty provides coverage for manufacturing defects. Due to this, the manufacturer is expected to repair all such defects.

If your vehicle has had the same recurring issue and:

  • The issue was reported within the warranty period
  • The issue was checked by a certified Jeep technician
  • The issue was not caused by an accident, neglect, or modifications.

You are eligible to file a case under the Jeep Wrangler Lemon Law. 

What to do if You Own a Lemon 2018 Jeep Compass

If you’re experiencing Lemon Law troubles with your Jeep Compass, follow these steps:

  • Keep detailed records: Note down every problem you notice with the vehicle. Start with the date it occurred, the dealer’s response, and the repair costs.
  • Allow them to repair the vehicle: Report the issue to the dealer and allow them to repair it. Make sure you have the repairs documented.
  • File a complaint: The dealer or manufacturer may fail to adhere to their warranty and may not fix the issue within a reasonable time. If so, consult with an attorney at Quill and Arrow LLP. They will help you file a complaint under the Lemon Law. 

Consider Legal Counsel 

Remember that legal counsel is one of the best ways to make the most of your Jeep Lemon Law claim. The attorneys will advise you on the right ways to navigate the Jeep buyback process and explain the remedies available. 

  • Case Assessment: They can assess your documentation. This way, they can determine if your Jeep qualifies under the Lemon Law.
  • Negotiation Assistance: They can handle communication with the manufacturer and negotiate a favorable settlement on your behalf.
  • Legal Expertise: They can guide you through the arbitration or litigation process, if necessary.
  • Reduced Stress: They can handle the legal complexities of the case, allowing you to get back to your normal life.

What You Can Get in a Lemon Law Case

If your case qualifies under the Jeep Lemon Law buyback, you have a right to compensation. The extent of this compensation varies on a case-by-case basis. However, it could include: 

  • A refund of your total purchase price, including sales tax and fees. This is known as the Jeep Buyback Program
  • A new replacement vehicle
  • Reimbursement for repairs, towing, and rental car expenses

Arbitration or Litigation:

Negotiation First: Ideally, your informal notification might prompt the manufacturer to offer a fair settlement. As mentioned earlier, this may include a buyback, replacement, or cash compensation.

Binding Arbitration: If negotiations fail, the Lemon Law allows for binding arbitration. This is a faster and less expensive alternative to court. With arbitration, you get to negotiate a fair settlement outside the court. 

Litigation: In rare cases, filing a lawsuit might be necessary. This happens when the manufacturer refuses arbitration or disputes the Lemon Law claim.

The Climb to Justice 

If arbitration doesn’t deliver the desired result, you may have to shift into “lawsuit” gear. By doing this, you’re tackling the legal mountain head-on. Without an attorney, this can be a more expensive and time-consuming route. To carry on, you’ll want a skilled Lemon Law attorney to navigate the complex legal terrain. 

Before you engage in this uphill battle, weigh the costs carefully. Consult with a qualified attorney to assess your case’s strength and estimate potential expenses. Remember, a lawsuit is a marathon, not a sprint. Be prepared for months of depositions, hearings, and paperwork. 

The good thing is that at the end of it all, you’ll be eligible for any of the above-listed remedies. Best of all, you won’t have to pay for the legal fees because the manufacturer does that on your behalf. 

Hire a Lemon Law Attorney So Your Car Troubles Can Be A Thing Of The Past  

In summary, if you’re experiencing Lemon Law troubles with your 2018 Jeep Compass, don’t settle for a defective and unreliable vehicle. We at Quill and Arrow LLP are here to help you. Follow the steps listed above and get in touch with a Lemon Law attorney at Quill and Arrow LLP. Do this so you can discuss your case and ensure your rights as a consumer are fully protected. 

If you think you own a Lemon 2018 Jeep Compass, don’t go into this alone. An experienced attorney at Quill and Arrow LLP can guide you through the entire process. Why not reach out and see if you have a chance to get compensated for your lemon?

Media Contact: 

Carlo V. DeFalco


eCustom Solutions

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